Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! It has been a very fun year. i cannot even believe it is already the last day of the year. It feels like just yesterday, I was going into fourth grade, and now i am already in sixth, just about through half of the year. Just one short year ago, give of take a few months, i was going into fifth. And the year before that, fourth. And so on. Now i am twelve, and the days are just flying by. Is this what it's like to be 'old'? :) In two days, on the third, i will go back to school from Christmas break. I cannot even believe it is 2012 already. Our plans for tonight are to stay up late, eat a bunch of snacks, play games, and do three puzzles. i have a lot to look forward to in 2012. For one, dad's resolution is to do even more bike rides. Sigh. And the world's supposed to end next December. On the bright side, i have a trip to Six flags and graduating from sixth grade to look forward to happily. And my sister, Andie, is graduating from high school and we are going to go see her graduation. And as for my resolution, i have decided to try and eat more healthy. As soon as all of the crap from the holidays (candy, cookies, cupcakes...) is out of our house, at least. My ugly doll collection has grown to eleven uglies: Ugly dog, Wage, OX, Moxy, Ninja Batty Shogun,Mij, Trunko, Tray, Ice Bat, Black Ice Bat, and Wedgehead. i also have a Sock Monkey who i named Sue, and an old sock of mom's that looked like a glove, but had toes instead of fingers, which dad stuffed and sewed, cutting off the big toe of the other sock for a nose. I named Her Sockiness Mrs. Fitzpatrick for the time being. (a.k.a. i can't think of a good name. Any ideas?) As for Christmas, we had a great time. The day of, i actually woke up before Alex, which is amazing! On Christmas Eve, though, we went to the Midnight mass, at ten. Alex altar served, and mom and I sang in the choir. We stayed up pretty late. I would love to hear all your new year's resolutions, and see if you can keep them! i am going to start my new year's resolution by asking mom if i can have a candy cane. LOL! Happy New Year's!